Ruby: Blocks, Procs & Lambdas

Minecraft Zombie Runningdon't feel you need to run away from blocks

When you start out in ruby, your experience might be similar to mine, everything was going swimmingly strings, integers and booleans were all ✅. Until I ran into the forest of blocks and iterators, do and end things that well let’s face it, make up the majority of what the Ruby language is, and allows for the passing around of objects. Event 12 months on into my software engineering journey I struggle with the concepts of yield and blocky kinda of things..

So just like your first night on a Minecraft Hard-Core server you can either:

  1. Dig a hole, jump in, wait & hope the monsters are gone in the morning
  2. Be pro-active and chop down a tree, make a 🪓 and go hunting 🧟

what’s in a block for you ? 📦

blocks are handy bits of code that can be written and executed later, they require the do and end syntax like below.

  [1,2,3].each do |n|
    puts "printing number #{n}"
  # printing number 1
  # printing number 2
  # printing number 3

Now let’s look into the Array#each under the hood to see just what is happening with the block that is getting passed to the method.

def each
  i = 0
  while i < size
    yield at(i)
    i += 1

Whooaa.. there is plenty going on inside .each:

  1. we have a while loop stepping through the indexed objects in the Array ( in this case the numbers 1, 2, & 3 )
  2. this is the part we are most interested in yield keyword

yield to me

So as the .each method steps through the Array it has to yield to the block at each number, and perform the action / code inside the block that proceed it. In the case of the above code samples it results of the printing of the numbers inside the array to the console.

  # printing number 1
  # printing number 2
  # printing number 3

you can ignore your block

Just because you place a block after a method, doesn’t mean that the method will do anything with it, ( well not always but we’ll get to explicitly later). You can also explore block_given?.

  (1..10).to_a.reverse do
   puts "print my block 10 times"
  # reverse says no!
  #=> [10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]

your method might block you from ignoring your block

Using the &block syntax will force you to pass a block to the method otherwise 🧨 will happen ( well an ArgumentError).

  def explicit_block(&block) # same as yield

  # no block
  explicit_block("don't block me")
  # 🧨 wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 0)

  # with block
  explicit_block { puts "don't block me" }
  #=> "don't block me"

Lambdas 🐑

I first ran into lambda syntax in scopes inside Rails models

  # scopes
  scope :recipes, -> { where(favoritable_type: 'Recipe') }

Just like methods, lambdas won’t run unless you make them, and you need to use the .call method for that. You can also store them in variables like below.

  cats_on_a_mat = -> { puts "Many cats on a mat.." }

  #=>  "Many cats on a mat.."

lambdas will also get upset if you pass them different number of arguments to what they are expecting.

  upcase_my_2_cats = ->(cat_1, cat_2) { puts "#{cat_1.upcase} & #{cat_2.upcase}" }"flossie","sydney")
  #=>  "FLOSSIE & SYDNEY""fido")
  # 🧨 wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 0)

Procs 📜

Procs are the closest thing Ruby has to first-class functions, let’s try and understand this, because I sure am trying to..

  upcase_my_2_cats = { | cat_1, cat_2 | puts "will this print in a Proc ?" }
  #=> "will this print in a Proc ?"
  my_lambda = -> { return 1 }
  puts "Lambda result: #{}"
  #=> Lambda result: 1

  my_proc = { return 1 }
  puts "Proc result: #{}"
  #🧨 => unexpected return (LocalJumpError)

The proc fails. The reason is that you can’t return from the top-level context. It can not return from its .self

What it can do..

def call_proc
  puts "Before proc"
  my_proc = { return "cat" }
  puts "After proc"

p call_proc
# => Before proc
# => cat

# Prints "Before proc" but not "After proc"

So what’s happening here ? The proc is causing the method to return and no other lines are executed. You could look at above and start to get the feeling that procs have a little bit of different behaviour than methods and lambdas.

Let’s unpack this with a light dig into the topic of closure

def call_proc(my_proc)
  count = 500

# the context
count   = 1
my_proc = { puts count }

# method call
p call_proc(my_proc)

# What does this print?
# 500 || 1 ?

In the end, it would seem the most logical conclusion is to print 500, but due to the “closure” effect, it will print 1.

This happens because the proc uses the value of count from the location / context of where it was defined, which is outside the method definition.

yes, that’s a lot to take in..

Well, hopefully now your ready to jump in and face your block fears head on & have learned a bits about procs and lambdas.

Minecraft creeper vs diamond swordtime to chase those block creatures down


bits that didn’t fit

def do_something_with_block
  return "No block given" unless block_given?

# This prevents the error if someone calls your method without a block.

👉 Next: Rails Zeitwerk: auto-load your twerk 👈 Previous: Ruby's Lazy Enumerator